World Habitat Conservation Day


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The World Habitat Protection Day is a holiday designed to draw the attention of mankind to the problem of preserving the habitat of the fauna of the planet Earth. Man has been influencing nature by his activity for a long time, changing it. Every year, more and more territories in the world are becoming farmland, pastures, are undergoing changes due to the growth of cities, mining, construction of factories and other objects of the national economy. Therefore, there are practically no places left on Earth where a human foot would not step.

The World Day for the Protection of Habitats just reminds all mankind that all of us, humans, are only part of nature and we owe everything we have to it, and is aimed at drawing the attention of the world community to the destructive impact of the anthropogenic factor on the environment.

In our district, such a protected place is the Republican Landscape Reserve "Lipichanskaya Pushcha", which was founded on October 8, 2002 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. The reserve was formed in order to preserve in its natural state a unique natural landscape with populations of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, to protect rare forest biocenoses, as well as a complex of meadows, ancient dunes and valleys of the Neman and Shchara rivers. There are several unique objects on the territory of the reserve, as well as cycling, water and hiking routes have been developed.